Camping in Upstate NY


It feels so good to get outside. I haven't been camping in so long. This was my first getaway into nature since the pandemic started, and I couldn't be more grateful. There's something so special about walking through rows of trees, being bathed in sunlight, falling asleep to gentle raindrops, and hanging in a hammock by the water. Spending the night in near freezing temperatures really helped place my privileges in perspective. Living in a city now, it's so important to take time to reconnect with the Earth and remind myself that I too am nature. 

Car camping is really such a blessing because you can bring EVERYTHING with you. I always pack a cast iron skillet, and I'm so happy I brought an assortment of pots and was able to dedicate one just for tea. We packed plenty of veggies and mushrooms, and I cut up a tropical fruit salad ahead of time. The birthday boy brought 4 cups of cooked rice and a quart of kimchi, so of course I made some kimchi fried rice and veggie fried rice that we wrapped in seaweed with all the veggies. SO good. Maybe it's being outside or it's the limited resources we have when we're away from home and city life, but everything just tasted extra delicious.  

Pro tip: always pack SPICES!! 


edit: I realize now why everything tasted extra delicious. I cooked everything with butter or bacon fat. And a touch of olive oil. 

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